Feeling permission is one of the main ingredients in the realization of our desires.

Often we are fooled into believing that what we want is out there – an achievement, an event, a quality, a relationship or whatever it is we want. 

It may feel out of reach to us, which is unsettling, frustrating, painful and self-defeating.

What we are able to allow into our life may determine if we feel we can have it. 

Our permissiveness is the vehicle that shows us what we understand we can receive. So, though this is good news, there is often some tending that may be helpful in order to recognize the entrance that seemingly allows or disallows what we wish for. This lies within our grasp and could be seen by some as a special power we all intrinsically own, but may seem invisible to us.

To permit, is to grant access. It is an initiated granting of access that becomes revelatory.

For some, having what we want can be a scary proposition. Are we prepared to receive all of what we really want? It might require added risk, exposure, or excitement masked by anxiety. So, we can feel some ambivalence. Ambivalence has a way of holding us back. It once held great intelligence as children, but if left unchecked can seemingly become overgrown and destroy the true desires of its host. 

Thresholds, rituals and ceremonial experiences are often spoken about to bring an end to something and thereby invite an emerging energy that is waiting to be granted permission. These experiences can be seen as invitations. Others may create a structure or container for this experience, yet it is our participation that invokes the transformation. 

Sometimes we are unaware of the ways we participate in our own life. We often need a wise “other” to help us reflect on the ways we may be participating, contributing to, and collaborating with life. It is easier for others to witness us, though often harder for us to see ourselves. 

Practices that can help support this are many. A few examples include personal self-reflection, journaling, meditation, dyad/ group work, other professionals, retreats, trusted friends, as well as ongoing body-based explorations and dream work. 

May you allow your intuition of granting permission to guide you toward the next great discovery – one that reveals you at the center of the wheel.